Ahead of the annual monsoon season in Malaysia which occurs every year-end, ASIS Malaysia together with the OSAC Malaysia country chapter organized a webinar hosted by Everbridge entitled "Don't Let Floods Sink Your Organization. Stay Safe. Stay Resilient.".
We were honored to have Elliot Pittam, the Field CTO and Solution Director with Everbridge APAC as our guest speaker. With a background in military, engineering expertise, and a bachelor’s degree in computer science, Elliot has over 20 years of experience in technology innovation and critical event management . He specializes in strategic problem solving with technology, using machine learning, AI and system integrations, which are designed to optimize organizational performance and improve response capability.

To start off the webinar, our chairman Victor who was the moderator and host for the day welcomed everyone and gave a brief introduction about ASIS and the Malaysia chapter. He then invited Kyle Carpenter, the Assistant Regional Security Officer from the U.S. Embassy Kuala Lumpur to say a few words and briefly share about OSAC and its membership.

Finally, the floor was given to Elliot to share his presentation. The highlight of the webinar was the second part of his presentation where he did a live demonstration of the Everbridge platform with some simulations. It was eye opening to see the capabilities of the system up close.
For those who couldn't join us on that day, a recording of the session is available below with the presentation slides. To know more about Everbridge and their solutions, please contact Everbridge at apac_marketing@everbridge.com or visit www.everbridge.com.