ASIS Malaysia is the supporting organization again this year for BCP Asia "Resiliency Transformation 2021". Due to the current pandemic and travel restriction, this event will be a Hybrid Event held from 18th to 19th August 2021.
Early bird has been extended until 30th June 2021, and ASIS Malaysia members can use the code to enjoy an additional 30% discount!
Preview to some of the ARRC 2021 topics

ORGANISATIONAL RESILIENCE & MEASURING READINESS by Mr. Peck Eing Seng, Head of Consultancy, BCP Asia Speaking on Day 1, 18th August 2021
Many organizations have implemented BCMS, every year gone through the documentation updating and contact the same set of exercise with limited or no change in the BCMS maintenance. This approach will end up being more towards paper exercise than having a practical business continuity plan. In today ever-changing environment, there are lots of changes around us, such as technology, people, process, environment and many more. Organizations need to have a BCP which is executable, to have that they need to set up a process to measure their BC readiness.
Join Mr. Eing Seng as he will share on the critical aspects in the business continuity planning. These recommendations, encompassing his experiences as a consultant, will guide business continuity practitioners in ensuring that their BC program remains viable.
Mini Workshop:

COOPERATIVE RESILIENCE - A JOINED-UP WAY OF THINKING by Mr. Gareth Byatt, Principle Consultant, Risk Insight Consulting Facilitating on Day 2, 19th August 2021
Resilience is a critical capability for people, and organizations, to possess. Resilient people and resilient organizations prosper, adapt and evolve. When times are tough, they weather the storm, demonstrating flexibility and agility. The mini-workshop will tackle the following question for attendees: as your organization navigates its way through the impacts and continued challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, how well are you working with organizations in your value chain and your eco-system to ensure strong cooperative and purposeful resilience is in place, to benefit you, the communities you serve and the broader environment? Join Mr. Gareth, a Principle Consultant as he will expose on how to ensure organizations to have a good foundations for cooperative resilience.
Visit https://www.arrconference.com/ for more information