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Writer's pictureASIS International Malaysia

ASIS Malaysia AGM 2022

The ASIS Malaysia Chapter 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on the 9th of February 2023, and it was a huge success. The AGM brought together security professionals from different industries and backgrounds to share their experiences and insights on security management. For the benefit of our members that are based outstation, we hosted the AGM on a hybrid mode, where those that could not attend physically, a Zoom link was shared for virtual attendees.

Before the official start of the AGM, two presentations were given by Krishnan and Siti. Krishnan shared a case study of an investigation he conducted involving scrap materials from one of his sites. He explained the challenges he faced during the investigation and how he managed to overcome them. Siti, on the other hand, shared her recent work with the National Coalition for Mental Wellbeing and the importance of mental health. She highlighted the need for security professionals to pay attention to their mental health, given the stressful nature of their jobs.

The AGM officially started at 4pm with sufficient quorum, and Chairman Victor Lim gave a brief welcoming remark and note of thanks to members who participated in the AGM. He expressed his gratitude for the support of members and emphasized the importance of the AGM as an opportunity for members to discuss and contribute to the growth of the chapter.

The management committee then presented a report on the work done in the previous year, including the successful organization of various events and training sessions. The report also highlighted the chapter's efforts to increase membership and the importance of creating a network of security professionals.

As it was an election year, a new management committee had to be elected. Seven positions were open for elections, and the elections were conducted smoothly. The internal auditor was also appointed. The newly elected committee for the 2023-2024 term will be:

Chairman: Victor Lim Kok Hooi

Vice Chairman: Muhd Hafizuddin Hamzah

Secretary: Chris Chan Zhijian

Treasurer: Ananthen Vasudevan

Committee Member: Taqiuddin Ahmad Kendong

Committee Member: Panniruky Perumal

Committee Member: Joey Cheng

Internal Auditor: Lim Woi Hooi

Finally, the Chairman gave his closing remarks and shared his brief ideas on future projects. He mentioned the need to continue to organize events and training sessions that would benefit members, as well as to work with other chapters in the region to create a stronger network of security professionals.

The AGM concluded at 6.45pm, and a member appreciation dinner was held in the venue. The dinner provided an opportunity for members to network and socialize, which is essential in creating a strong community of security professionals.

In conclusion, the ASIS Malaysia Chapter AGM was a success, with members sharing their experiences and ideas on how to improve security management. The election of a new management committee and the appointment of an internal auditor will ensure that the chapter continues to grow and thrive. Chapter members may refer to the Members' Update section for the AGM minutes and we would like to thank everyone who took their time to attend the AGM, whether physically or virtually.

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